P. von Witzendorff
S. Kaierle
O. Suttmann
L. Overmeyer

Using pulse shaping to control temporal strain development and solidification cracking in pulsed laser welding of 6082 aluminum alloys

J. Mater. Process. Tech. (Journal of Materials Processing Technology)
Type: Zeitschriftenaufsatz (reviewed)
High-speed observation of visible and infrared radiation was performed to measure the molten poolgeometry, velocity of the solid–liquid interface and temperature profile during laser spot welding of alu-minum. Hot cracking occurred at a late stage of solidification for the investigated laser pulse shapes. Hotcracking could be minimized by using a pulse shape with two distinct power levels and a final coolingslope to shut down the laser power. The drop of the laser power from the first to the second powerlevel led to a high cooling rate and high interface velocity at the beginning of solidification. This drop intemperature and molten pool diameter released strains originating from thermal contraction and solid-ification shrinkage at the beginning of solidification, where spot welding is expected to have a higherductility. After this initial high solidification rate, low interface velocities were observed during solidi-fication within the second power level. The final solidification rate increased again as a function of thecooling time of the last laser pulse section. This type of solidification process was also found in metallo-graphic microstructures with greater dendritic structures during solidification within the second powerlevel. The strain release at the beginning of solidification minimized residual strains for the remainingsolidification, so that crack-free and full penetration bead-on-plate seam welding with overlapping spotwelds was possible.