LZH seeks floater sufferers for study on vitreous opacities in the eye

Das LZH arbeitet daran Laserbehandlung von Glaskörpertrübungen, sogenannten Floatern, sicherer zu machen.
With new findings, the LZH wants to advance research on the development and therapy of floaters. (Graphic: LZH)
16 August 2022
Press releases

Vitreous opacities in the eye also called "floaters", impair the quality of life of many affected persons. The LZH invites persons concerned to document their experiences in a survey and wants to use the new findings to advance research on the development and therapy of floaters.  

The survey will ask people about their experiences with their floaters - for example, what their field of vision looks like, what the general quality of vision is like, and how the symptoms affect their everyday lives. However, non-affected persons are also invited to participate in the study.

Data obtained through the survey will be made freely available to the scientific community upon request. Funds for carrying out the study are provided by the Forschungsvereinigung Feinmechanik, Optik und Medizintechnik e.V. (F.O.M.) and the industry association SPECTARIS - Deutscher Industrieverband für Optik, Photonik, Analysen- und Medizintechnik e. V. (German Industry Association for Optics, Photonics, Analytical and Medical Technology).

Research for safe treatment of floaters

Floaters are an aging-related change of the eye, and the treatment of it is often not advised. Conventional therapies for vitreous opacities in the eye are very risky and can sometimes worsen the situation of those affected. The LZH is therefore researching a safer, laser-based treatment method for floaters. In the project XFloater, the scientists are working on optimizing laser vitreolysis as a treatment method.

Link to the survey: https://www.lzh.de/en/welcome-to-floater-study