S. Gollapudi
K. Samm
U. Klug
R. Kling
A. Ostendorf

Laser controlled multifunctionalization of polymer surfaces for industrial applications

International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro Optics (ICALEO)
20.-23. Oktober
Type: Konferenzbeitrag
The use of Laser Modification - Direct Writing (LaM-DW) to generate multifunctional surfaces on polymers like polyimide, polyethylene, polycarbonate and silicone is investigated. Polymers have applications in textiles, microfluidics, fuel cell membranes, and cell cultures in medical implants. While polymers are important materials in both industry and research, their applications are limited by their surface properties, resulting in poor adhesion and wettability. LaM-DW induces physical (topographical) and chemical changes of the polymer surfaces. The strategy adapted is to modify the polymer surfaces at a fluence level below the ablation threshold. By applying only small changes to the laser structuring parameters such as pulse energy, repetition rate and hatch distance, polymers can exhibit dramatic changes in wetting characteristics, allowing surfaces to be selective (hydrophobic or hydrophilic). The surface morphology and the chemical changes of the materials are studied using SEM, XPS, FTIR and RIR spectroscopy. The wettability and the stability (as a function of time) of the modified surfaces are investigated through contact angle measurements. A hybrid technique is also discussed, where a combination of laser treatments and chemical modifications (with process gas, liquids and nanoparticles) are used simultaneously to achieve stable multifunctional surfaces.